Know this Man

>> Saturday, November 22, 2008


  • Wise mean revere him as a great man
  • Over a billion bear witness He is the Messenger of God

"My Choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but He was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels" (Michael H. Hart in his book-The 100 a ranking of the most influential Persons in History)

"I hope the time is not far off when i shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Al-Qur'an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness" (Napoleon Bonaparte)

"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe, within the next hundred years, It could be Islam. If have always held the religion of Muhammad in high esteem because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that esteem capacity to the changing phase of existence, which can make itself appeal to every age" (George Bernard Shaw)


The world has had its share of great personalities. But they were one-sided figures who distinguished themselves in but one or two fields, such as religious though or military leadership. The lives and teachings of these great personalities of the world are shrouded in the mist of time.


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